With winter setting in, our body goes through acclimatization which sometimes leads one to catch a cold/fever. While most of us use medications to cure the latter, we forget about the things in our kitchen that can be equally effective. Today, we’ve listed a few such super-foods that can help you cure the winter blues, keep you warm and provide you energy.

  1. Dates: This little fruit is a powerhouse of energy and has a lower fat content. This is also a must have for fitness enthusiasts! Regular intake of dates keeps your body warm along with improving brain functionality.
  2. Honey: Honey is a good alternative to sugar. However, during winter you can use it all the more as it keeps the body warm and helps fight infections and viruses that might cause cough and cold. One spoon of honey every day helps keep the winter blues away.
  3. Garlic: Apart from adding that undeniable flavor to every dish, garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help fight different diseases, especially in the winter. Just one clove of garlic in your bowl of soup is good enough to keep you warm. 
  4. Turnip & its leaves: A starchy vegetable that is an excellent antioxidant, turnip helps fight cancer. It is rich in vitamin K whereas its leaves are rich in vitamin A. Consumption of turnip improves your cardiovascular health and keeps your energy levels high.
  5. Almonds & walnuts: We all remember having a fistful of these on a winter morning before school. Regular intake of almonds and walnuts in winters ensures an active nervous system, improved sensitivity to insulin, a healthy heart and body.
  6. Bajra: One of the most consumed millet in an Indian household, this cute little millet is high on fat, rich in protein and fiber. The high iron content plays a vital role in curing anemia. If consumed on a regular basis, bajra can help strengthen your bones.
  7. Sesame Seeds: ‘Chikkis’, an Indian sweet variety, are made of sesame seeds which are good for keeping the body warm and cozy during winters. These seeds are also loaded with iron and calcium content which strengthens the bones and muscles. 

This winter try a holistic approach to health!