Stuck at home and feeling lazy? This condition is seen in almost every home and with every other individual today! The pandemic has brought about a stay-at-home culture that people are still adapting to. Amidst all this, people have lost their way when it comes to staying fit or even attaining a basic fitness goal. It is time you pay more attention to your fitness, keep track of your eating patterns & portions and attain your fitness goals while at home. How you ask? Here are some full-proof & effective tips:

  1. Get your portions in place: Eating healthy and clean is an important habit to develop. However, this does not mean that you cannot indulge in the timely cravings for the junk food you love so much. Indulge by all means, but control your portion size. Remember the fist rule! In every meal, your carbs should not be more than your fist-size! Our kitchen scales can help you monitor your portions rightly. Also, you can easily replace your junk with healthy snacks. Like replacing candies with almonds dipped in honey. You’ll see the difference in your skin, attitude, and body in less than a month! 
  1. Make your fitness routine interesting and workout every day: Studies say that to stay fit one must do a minimum of 10,000 steps a day! But doing the same sort of workout every day can also make you utterly bored, no matter how good it is. The solution is to mix it up! Don’t just follow a bodyweight workout, mix it with a quick session of Zumba. As for your lazy days, try going for a half-hour walk with your friend along with a quick 20 min yoga session. It’s all about being active for longer throughout the day! If your job requires you to sit in place for a long time, make sure to get up every chance you get and take a 15 min walk. This not only refreshes you but also keeps all your body muscles active. You have an advantage here to do what you want without any hard and fast rules!
  1. Don’t make excuses, you have all the equipment and space at home: Yes, that’s right! You have everything you need right at your home. Take a backpack and stuff it properly with books/items and you’ve got yourself a 6-7 kilo dumbbell. Your bed or even a chair fixed to a wall acts as a great elevation to make your movements slightly tougher. For example, an elevated glute bridge or an incline push up. For lighter weights, you always have water bottles! If space is your issue, then good news; basic exercises like squats, pushups, abs and high knees require very little area. Turn these few exercises into your workout routine along with that heavy backpack!

All in all, attaining your fitness goal is a state of mind and all you need is that switch and a bit of creativity!

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